Negative Theology in Contemporary Interpretations


  • Daniel Jugrin Center for Studies and Interreligious & Intercultural Dialogue University of Bucharest



negative theology, apophaticism, cataphaticism, mystical experience, transcendence


The tradition of negative theology has very deep roots which go back to the Late Greek Antiquity and the Early Christian period. Although Dionysius is usually regarded as “the Father” of negative theology, yet he has not initiated a revolution in the religious philosophy, but rather brought together various elements of thinking regarding the knowledge of God and built a system which is a synthesis of Platonic, neo-Platonic and Christian ideas. The aim of this article is to illustrate the views of some more modern theologians on the nature, types and levels of apophaticism in the Greek Patristic tradition, trying to establish the role that negation can play in facilitating man’s attaining to the knowledge of God.


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How to Cite

Jugrin, Daniel. 2018. “Negative Theology in Contemporary Interpretations”. European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 10 (2):149-70.



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